
Members receive complimentary access to exhibitions, historic houses, gardens,  and an assortment of programming.

Our members play a critical role in helping us to fulfill our mission to connect people, history, and culture. As an active participant in our communities, Atlanta History Center is fully committed to uniting Atlanta’s diverse audiences through history.

Members receive complimentary access to everything we have to offer—exhibitions, historic houses, gardens and trails, special activities, and an assortment of family programming throughout the year.

Give the gift that gives year round with our Gift Memberships.

For questions, please contact the membership office at or 404.814.4100 anytime Monday through Friday, 9am to 5pm. 

New Member Benefit

Turn your child’s birthday into an adventure-filled day they’ll never forget at Atlanta History Center! Your birthday party booking includes admission of up to 20 guests (children 3 & under do not count towards guest count), exclusive access to our Coca-Cola Café for the celebration, and your admission includes access to Goizueta Children’s Experience!

Learn More

Membership Benefits for All Levels

Individual. $80.

Dual. $103.

Family. $134.

Family + Caregiver. $164.

Sustaining. $190.

Sustaining + Caregiver. $220.

Sponsor. $360.

Sponsor + Caregiver. $390.

Insider Membership Levels

Exciting Updates

Benefits Summary

Member BenefitsIndividual
Patron Family
($32 Tax Deductible)($31 Tax Deductible)($29 Tax Deductible)($51 Tax Deductible)($122 Tax Deductible)($135 Tax Deductible)($226 Tax Deductible)
Add a Caregiver for an additional $30Add a Caregiver for an additional $30Add a Caregiver for an additional $30
Free general admission adults (cardholders)1222222
Free general admission children23344
Free general admission guests1234
Free general admission caregiver1
Guest passes2222444
Free Parkingxxxxxxx
Reciprocal benefits*T AT AT AT A RT A RT A RT A R
Invitations to Member eventsxxxxxx
Toddler Storytime ticketsxxxxxx
Homeschool Day ticketsxxxxxx
Early Access to Summer Campsxxxxx
Summer Camp Discount$10 off$10 off$20 off$20 off$20 off$30 off$30 off
Museum Shop Discount10%10%10%10%10%10%10%
Discounts on photoshoot bookings**15%15%15%15%15%15%15%
Discounted admission to programsxxxxxxx
Discounted children’s birthday parties in Coca-Cola Café**x
Subscription to digital and print program guides sent throughout the yearxxxxxxx
Exclusive Atlanta History Center digital contentxxxxxxx
Print & Digital Subscription to History Mattersxxxxxxx
Free admission to our author talks**2AllAll
Recognition in History Matters 
Invitation to Insiders eventsxx
Give Your Wayxx
Tickets to Holiday Program**22
Invitation to annual 1926 Forum & Holiday Party

*Reciprocal Membership Programs

**Subject to availability and stipulations. Contact us at to redeem

⁺ Insider Level

T Time Travelers

A American Horticulture Society Reciprocal Admission Program

R Reciprocal Organization of Associated Museums

S Southeastern Reciprocal Membership Program


Learn. More.