In this program, students will learn the untold stories about influential Black Georgians such as Alonzo Herndon, Eugene Bullard, Maynard Jackson, Henry “Hank” Aaron, and Charlayne Hunter.
Students will also have a chance to analyze photos related to the figures they learned about and time periods in which they were alive.
- Students will begin this activity listening to stories about different Georgians.
- Students will then participate in a Gallery Walk of photographs and primary resources.
- At the end of the lesson students will have a chance to share observations and takeaways from the lesson, as well as play games to show what they learned.
Can be modified for all grade levels and is age-appropriate.
25-30 students maximum per presentation
45 minutes or 1 class period
Presentations are available to non-Title I schools for $100, and Title I schools for $50. The mileage cost is determined by the roundtrip mileage from Atlanta History Center to your location at $0.67 a mile. Presentations are ONLY available within a 100-mile roundtrip from Atlanta History Center.