26/51 Standing Peachtree.
In the region that became Atlanta – part of the Muscogee Creek Confederacy—a significant Native American presence was the village called Pakanahuili (Creek meaning Standing Peach Tree), a trading center at the juncture of Peachtree Creek and the Chattahoochee River.
It is from this Lower Creek settlement that all Peachtree Streets receive their name. Most likely, the settlement included an orchard or grove of peach trees, a common sight at many Creek villages.
By the early nineteenth century, a series of treaties reduced Creek land holdings. The 1821 Treaty of Indian Springs ceded Creek land containing Standing Peach Tree as well as the future site of Atlanta, located eight miles south. The Georgia Land Lottery of 1821 distributed the land to eligible participants, known as “fortunates.”
Richard Todd of South Carolina bought property in 1822 in what is now the Virginia Highland neighborhood. The house he built there the following year along today’s Greenwood Avenue makes him the first white settler within present-day Atlanta
The Treaty of Washington, signed in 1826, and the Creek Treaty of November 1827, ceded all remaining Creek land in Georgia.
Heat-treated chert scraper, 900-1500 AD.
Courtesy Cobb County, excavated at Standing Peachtree
Kenan Research Center at Atlanta History Center
Next: 27 International City.
Along with increased foreign investment and high profile events, including the 1996 Olympic Games, a steady flow of immigrants and refugees in recent decades has turned Atlanta into an international city.