2/3 Sources & Additional Reading.
On view at Atlanta History Center.
Books on Olympic History & Analysis
- Boykoff, Jules. Power Games: A Political History of the Olympics. London: Verso Books, 2016.
- Brownell, Susan. Beijing’s Games: What the Olympics Mean to China. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield, 2008.
- Goldblatt, David. The Games: A Global History of the Olympics. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2016.
- Guttmann, Allen. The Olympics: A History of the Modern Games. Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 2002.
- Hayes, Graeme, and John Karamichas, eds. Olympics Games, Mega-Events, and Civil Societies: Globalization, Environment, Resistance. New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2014.
- Horne, John, and Garry Whannel. Understanding the Olympics. London: Routledge, 2016.
- Lenskyj, Helen. Inside the Olympic Industry: Power, Politics, and Activism. Albany: SUNY Press, 2000.
- Lenskyj, Helen, and Stephen Wagg, eds. The Palgrave Handbook of Olympic Studies. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
- Mangan, J. A., and Mark Dyreson, eds. Olympic Legacies: Intended and Unintended: Political, Cultural, Economic and Educational. London: Routledge, 2010.
- Preuss, Holger. The Economics of Staging the Olympics: A Comparison of the Games, 1972-2008. Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA: E. Elgar, 2004.
- Richards, Anthony, Peter Fussey, and Andrew Silke, eds. Terrorism and the Olympics: Major Event Security and Lessons for the Future. London: Routledge, 2011.
- Schiller, Kay, and Chris Young. The 1972 Munich Olympics and the Making of Modern Germany. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2010.
- Weisbord, Robert G. Racism and the Olympics. New York: Routledge, 2018.
- Young, Kevin, and Kevin B. Wamsley, eds. Global Olympics: Historical and Sociological Studies of the Modern Games. 1st ed. Research in the Sociology of Sport, v. 3. Amsterdam; New York: Elsevier JAI, 2008.
- Zimbalist, Andrew. Circus Maximus: The Economic Gamble Behind Hosting the Olympics and the World Cup. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press, 2016.
Books on Urban History in Atlanta and the Southern U.S.
- Allen, Frederick. Atlanta Rising: The Invention of an International City 1946-1996. Atlanta: Longstreet Press, 1996.
- Applebome, Peter. Dixie Rising: How the South Is Shaping American Values, Politics, and Culture. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 1997.
- Bayor, Ronald H. Race and the Shaping of Twentieth-Century Atlanta. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1996.
- Hobson, Maurice J. The Legend of the Black Mecca: Politics and Class in the Making of Modern Atlanta. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 2017.
- Keating, Larry. Atlanta: Race, Class and Urban Expansion. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2010.
- Kruse, Kevin M. White Flight: Atlanta and the Making of Modern Conservatism. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2013.
- Lassiter, Matthew D. The Silent Majority: Suburban Politics in the Sunbelt South. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2013.
- Nickerson, Michelle, and Darren Dochuk. Sunbelt Rising: The Politics of Space, Place, and Region. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011.
- Rutheiser, Charles. Imagineering Atlanta: The Politics of Place in the City of Dreams. New York: Verso, 1996.
Selected Books and Readings Organized by Subject Matter
Arts & Culture
- Burnosky, Robin L. “The History of the Arts in the Olympic Games,” American University, Thesis Collection, December 8, 1994.
- Duncan, Sally Anne. “Souls Grown Deep and the Cultural Politics of the Atlanta Olympics.” Radical History Review 98 (May 2007): 97-118.
- Garcia, Beatriz. “One Hundred Years of Cultural Programming within the Olympic Games (1912–2012): Origins, Evolution and Projections.” International Journal of Cultural Policy 14, no. 4 (November 2008): 361–76.
- Ward, Stephen W. Selling Places: The Marketing and Promotion of Towns and Cities, 1850-2020. London: Taylor & Francis, 2013.
- Gold, John R. and Margaret M. Gold. “Olympic Cities: Regeneration, City Branding and Changing Urban Agendas.” Geography Compass 2/1 (2008): 300-318.
Disability Studies
- Brittain, Ian. The Paralympic Games Explained. London: Routledge, 2016.
- Smith, Brett and Andrea Bundon. “Disability Models: Explaining and Understanding Disability Sport in Different Ways.” The Palgrave Handbook of Disability Studies. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.
- The Triumph of the Human Spirit. Oakville, Ontario: Disability Today Publishing Group, 2017.
- Baade, Robert A., and Victor A. Matheson. “Going for the Gold: The Economics of the Olympics.” Journal of Economic Perspectives 30, no. 2 (May 2016): 201–18.
- Hotchkiss, Julie L., Robert E. Moore, and Fernando Rios-Avila. “Reevaluation of the Employment Impact of the 1996 Summer Olympic Games.” Southern Economic Journal (2014).
- Porter, Philip K., and Deborah Fletcher. “The Economic Impact of the Olympic Games: Ex Ante Predictions and Ex Poste Reality.” Journal of Sport Management 22, no. 4 (July 1, 2008): 470–86.
- United States General Accounting Office. “Olympic Games: Federal Government Provides Significant Funding and Support.” September 2000.
Gender & LGBTQIA Studies
- Elsas, Louis J, Arne Ljungqvist, Malcolm A Ferguson-Smith, Myron Genel, Alison S Carlson, and Anke A Ehrhardt. “Gender Verification of Female Athletes.” Genetics in Medicine 2 (2000): 249-254.
- Hussain, Pat, and Jon-Ivan Weaver. Olympics Out of Cobb: Spiked! Atlanta: Hussain/Weaver, 1997.
- Padawer, Ruth. “The Humiliating Practice of Sex-Testing Female Athletes.” The New York Times, January 20, 2018.
- Simpson, J.L., Ljungqvist, A., de la Chapelle, A. et al. “Gender Verification in Competitive Sports.” Sports Medicine 16 (1993): 305–315.
- Abbate, Janet. Inventing the Internet. Charlesbourg, Quebec: Braille Jymico, Inc. 2003.
- Hamel, Gary. “Waking Up IBM: How a Gang of Unlikely Rebels Transformed Big Blue.” Harvard Business Review (2000).
- IBM Corporation. “Olympic Caliber Computing.” International Technical Support Organization, San Jose, California. February 1997.
- Wladawsky-Berger, Irving. “Memories from the 1996 Atlanta Olympics.” BLOG, August 20, 2012.
- Alexander, Kent and Kevin Salwen. The Suspect: An Olympic Bombing, the FBI, the Media, and Richard Jewell, the Man Caught in the Middle. London: Hodder Paperback, 2020.
- Gage, Beverly. “Terrorism and the American Experience: A State of the Field.” The Journal of American History 106 (June 2011): 73-94.
- Songy, Anne L. “Framing Jewell: A Discourse Analysis of Newspaper Coverage in the Aftermath of the Atlanta Olympics Bombing and Discussion of Legal and Ethical Standards for Such Practices.” Louisiana State University Master’s Theses Collection. 588.
Urban History
- Cisneros, Henry and Lora Engdahl. From Despair to Hope: Hope VI and the New Promise of Public Housing in America’s Cities. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press, 2009.
- Diedrick, Kate, and Christopher A. Le Dantec. “Atlanta’s Westside Residents Challenge the Rules of Sport Mega-Development.” Third World Thematics 2, no. 1 (2017): 54–68.
- French, Steven P., and Mike E. Disher. “Atlanta and the Olympics: A One-Year Retrospective.” Journal of the American Planning Association 63, no. 3 (1997): 379–92.
- Gustafson, Seth. “Displacement and the Racial State in Olympic Atlanta 1990–1996.” Southeastern Geographer 53, no. 2 (2013): 198–213.
- Keating, Larry. “Redeveloping Public Housing.” Journal of the American Planning Association 66, no. 4 (2000): 384–97.
- Keating, Larry, and Carol A. Flores. “Sixty and Out: Techwood Homes Transformed by Enemies and Friends.” Journal of Urban History 26, no. 3 (2000): 275–311.
- Lands, LeeAnn. “Emmaus House and Atlanta’s Anti-Poverty Movements.” Atlanta Studies April 28, 2015.
- Quesenberry, Preston. “The Disposable Olympics Meets the City of Hype.” Southern Changes 18, no. 2 (1996).
- Vale, Lawrence, and Annemarie Gray. “The Displacement Decathlon.” Places Journal, April 15, 2013.
Journalism and Reports from the Era
- Forgey, Benjamin. “Atlanta’s Claim to Flame: Art Spans the Gap between Visions and Reality.” The Washington Post, July 13, 1996.
- Georgia Tech Alumni Magazine 73, no. 1 (1996).
- Huey, John. “The Atlanta Game Against All Odds: This Sunbelt Hustler Snagged the Olympics by Selling Itself as a Third World City and the Biggest Lie It Ever Told Turns Out to be True.” Fortune. July 22, 1996.
- Lewis, Peter H. “I.B.M. Seeks Its Footing After Atlanta Stumble.” The New York Times, July 29, 1996.
- Longman, Jere. “Olympics: One Year to Atlanta 1996; A Lot of Optimism but Hurdles to Leap.” The New York Times, July 19, 1995.
- Napoli, Lisa. “CyberTimes Olympics Coverage.” The New York Time on the Web. 1996.
- Research Atlanta, Inc. “The Olympic Legacy: Building on what Was Achieved.” (October 1996). GSU Digital Collections.
- Weisman, Steven R. “Atlanta Selected Over Athens for 1996 Olympics.” The New York Times, September 19, 1990.
Next: 3 Learning Objectives.
Learning Objectives of Atlanta History Center’s exhibition: Atlanta ’96. Shaping an Olympic and Paralympic City.