Kenan Research Center offers high resolution digital reproductions of our historical photographs for commercial, philanthropic, or personal use. We also offer reprographics and licensing services for architectural drawings, maps, postcards, film, video, and audio recordings, and other content from our collections.
Explore our collections search page (recommended) or call (404) 814-4067 or email images@atlantahistorycenter.com.
Download and complete our Order Form. Send the completed form to images@atlantahistorycenter.com. Each photograph in our collection has a Catalog Number, a unique identifying number that begins with “VIS” (ex: VIS 170.100.001). Use the Catalog Number on your order form.
- Customers purchase and license images for use in historical documentaries, books, or for decorative use in their home or place of business.
- Commercial or non-profit uses may require you to obtain a license. Historical documentaries, films, books, and exhibitions are a few examples requiring a license.
No. At this time, delivery of all purchased digital content will be facilitated by our Digital Services team through a file sharing service.
No. Purchasing a digital photograph or other content does not convey the right to publish. Customers seeking the right to publish images from our collections, must complete and submit a signed Licensing Agreement.
Yes. Customers who wish to purchase and license digital content must pay for the images and to license the material. Please see our Order Form for the Reprographic Price List for all digital content, including photographs and recordings. Keep in mind, there is an additional fee if your use requires a license to publish. All prices shown on the Order Form (including licensing fees) are priced per image.
No. In some instances copyrights of historical materials were not conveyed to Atlanta History Center. In such cases, customers must seek permission to publish from the copyright owner. Our Digital Services team will assist customers in locating third party copyright owners.
Customers should allow up to ten business days to receive their order, although most orders can be processed more quickly.
For more information, please call our Digital Services team at (404) 814-4067 or email images@atlantahistorycenter.com.