History Summer Camp

Expanding Your Palette

Monday, Jun 10 2024 to Friday, Jun 14 2024 @ 9am - 4pm

Not-yet-members. K–2nd Grade.

Not-yet-members. 3rd–5th Grade.

Members. K–2nd Graders.

Members. 3rd–5th Grade.

Are you ready to create your own masterpiece? Get inspired by art styles and historical movements from around the world, like ancient Chinese calligraphy, stained glass windows, dot art, and abstract creations. You’ll be able to put techniques into practice and show off your masterpiece with an art showcase!


History Camps are divided into two age groups: 
K-2nd graders and 3rd-5th graders.

Please register your camper for the grade level they have completed as of May 2024.


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