Smith Farm & the Stories of Those That Lived There

What was life like on a 19th-century farm? Who lived and labored there? Why is there a farm in the middle of Atlanta?

Find out the answer to these questions and more with Historic House Manger Nikolas Kekel:

Discover the unique story of the Smith House and the preservation effort that brought it to the Atlanta History Center. Understand agricultural practices in North Georgia, learn how the Smiths lived, and hear the stories of the enslaved people who worked on the farm. Explore the many 1850s historic outbuildings that now call the Smith Farm home, along with the gardens and livestock that accompany these buildings.

These tours are regularly offered on campus but can be booked as a curated experience for a specific time and number of guests. Private tours will be led by the Historic House Manger.

The duration of this tour is 30 minutes plus additional time for Q&A.

Max group size is 15 guests.

Historic House Tours Pricing 

$125 (plus group admission) for a 30-minute tour 

Request. Form.