Request Onsite School Tour

Interested in requesting an onsite school tour? Please submit a request in the form below.

kids sitting down in Swan Woods

  • (if applicable)
  • 1 chaperone is required for every 10 student.
    Please select ONE.
  • Outdoor picnic areas are available on a first come, first served basis. Indoor lunch facilities are not available. In the case of inclement weather, lunches can either be eaten on the bus, or back at school. Outside food deliveries are not permitted.
  • :
    (Please give an estimated time.)
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
    The Atlanta History Center is closed on Mondays. Schools scheduling a guided tour on Monday will not be able to see the rest of the museum once the tour concludes.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY

Please note, tour dates are not guaranteed until you receive email confirmation. Requests must be made at least three weeks in advance.

Atlanta History Center has limited capacity for tours. Please review the tour information on their respective page before submitting a request.

Email Us

For more information about school tours, email