Behind the Scenes: Collections Storage

Most museums have only a small fraction of their museum collections out for display at any one time—but why?

collections staff in collections storage

Explore behind the scenes with our Collections Manager and learn the reason why so many items are kept in storage, why we collect, and experience some of our favorite items that are not currently on display. For an additional fee, this tour can be adapted to cover a specific type of item, decade, or interest area. For example, we have an extensive collection of overshot coverlets and quilts, clothing from every decade between 1850 and 1980, and an extensive military collection.


The duration of this tour is 45 minutes plus additional time for Q&A. Option to add additional items for up to 90/120 minutes.


Max group size is 15, preferably ages 12+.
—The duration of this tour is 45 minutes plus additional time for Q&A.
—We will be on cement floors the entire time, so comfortable shoes are encouraged.
—Photography is allowed without flash.
—No food or drink is allowed on the tour (including gum).

Standard Pricing

$175 (plus group admission) for a 45-minute tour

Request. Form.